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neurofeedback Research

Dissociative Disorders

Research Papers

Treatment of Dissociative Identity Disorder with Neurotherapy and Group Exploration
by Manchester CF Ph.D., Allen T B.A., Tachiki KH Ph.D.

The efficacy of integrating Neurofeedback techniques with internal self-exploration was evaluated as a procedure for the treatment of Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). These procedures employed a modification of the alpha/theta neurofeedback procedures previously described by Peniston and Kulkosky (1991). Eleven female subjects meeting DSM-III-R (1987) criteria for DID were provided with 30 sessions of Neurofeedback and 10 group sessions as treatment. Subjects were administered the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-II (Millon, 1987) and the Global Assessment of Functioning scale (DSM-III-R, 1987) before and after 30 neurofeedback sessions. One to three years post treatment, subjects completed a Dissociative Experience Scale questionnaire (Bernstein and Putnam 1986) to assess the long term efficacy of treatment.

Abnormal QEEG Patterns Associated with Dissociation and Violence
Journal of Neurotherapy, Volume 3, Issue 2 April 1999 , pages 21 - 27
by Evans JR Ph.D.

Violent behaviors have been found to be associated with evidence of brain damage/dysfunction in several studies. The frontal lobes and right hemisphere are the specific cortical sites most often implicated. In examining QEEG records of 52 men convicted of violent crimes and/or having a history of violence, the author has found most abnormalities in these areas.However, the QEEG's of a subset of these men also reporting histories of dissociative type experiences were characterized by specific abnormalities. In six cases there was abnormaly excessive relative power in the alpha frequency at frontal sites. These men either strongly denied awareness that they had engaged in specific violent behaviors or were aware they had, but percieved that they were controlled by an external force, e.g. the devil.

Recent Research

Mind over chatter: Plastic up-regulation of the fMRI salience network directly after EEG neurofeedback.
Ros T, Théberge J, Frewen PA, Kluetsch R, Densmore M, Calhoun VD, and Lanius RA
NeuroImage, 65, 2013, pp 324-35

Improving Visual Perception through Neurofeedback.
Scharnowski F, Hutton C, Josephs O, Weiskopf N, and Rees G
Journal of Neuroscience, 32, 2012, pp 17830-41

The effectiveness of neurofeedback training on EEG coherence and neuropsychological functions in children with reading disability.
Nazari MA, Mosanezhad E, Hashemi T, and Jahan A
Clinical EEG and Neuroscience, 43, 2012, pp 315-22

Self-regulation of brain oscillations as a treatment for aberrant brain connections in children with autism.
Pineda JA, Juavinett A, and Datko M
Medical Hypotheses, 79, 2012, pp 790-8

Evidence-based information on the clinical use of neurofeedback for ADHD.
Moriyama TS, Polanczyk G, Caye A, Banaschewski T, Brandeis D, and Rohde LA
Neurotherapeutics, 9, 2012, pp 588-98

Current status of neurofeedback for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.
Lofthouse N, Arnold LE, and Hurt E
Current Psychiatry Reports, 14, 2012, pp 536-42

Individual alpha neurofeedback training effect on short term memory.
Nan W, Rodrigues JP, Ma J, Qu X, Wan F, Mak PI, Mak PU, Vai MI, and Rosa A
International Journal of Psychophysiology, 86, 2012, pp 83-7

Neurotherapy of traumatic brain injury/posttraumatic stress symptoms in OEF/OIF veterans.
Nelson DV, and Esty ML
Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 24, 2012, pp 237-40

Schizophrenia and the efficacy of qEEG-guided neurofeedback treatment: a clinical case series.
Surmeli T, Ertem A, Eralp E, and Kos IH
Clinical EEG and Neuroscience, 43, 2012, pp 133-44

Which attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder children will be improved through neurofeedback therapy?
Ahmadlou M, Rostami R, and Sadeghi V
Neuroscience Letters, 516, 2012, pp 156-60

Neurofeedback in children with ADHD: validation and challenges.
Gevensleben H, Rothenberger A, Moll GH, and Heinrich H
Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics, 12, 2012, pp 447-60

Taking back the brain: could neurofeedback training be effective for relieving distressing auditory verbal hallucinations in patients with schizophrenia?
McCarthy-Jones S
Schizophrenia Bulletin, 38, 2012, pp 678-82

A review of neurofeedback treatment for pediatric ADHD.
Lofthouse N, Arnold LE, Hersch S, Hurt E, and DeBeus R
Journal of Attention Disorders, 16, 2012, pp 351-72